Friday, June 25, 2010

Thing #15: Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the Future of Libraries

From Tom Storey's article on Web 2.0 on Next SpaceWeb, he describes the 2.0 principles as "simplicity, rich interactivity, user participation, collective intelligence, self-service, novel and remixed content—Flickr, MySpace, FaceBook,, YouTube, LibraryThing—to name a few." After watching the UTube video, I could not have said it better. Web 2.0 will be people driven which I find very interesting after years of being guided by the media and marketers. I find this a nice change to finally have other voices to hear.

Although it was at the college level, I really like what Rick Anderson had to say in Away from the "iceberg." He challenges librarians to let go of some of the age old principals in order to eliminate the "barriers that exist between patrons and the information they need." As a teacher, I believe that students are best served when they can think for themselves and I am not the only "director" of the show. I believe the same is true in a library. The word "collection" no longer just means physical holdings within the walls of a library. It now includes the vast amount of information that can be accessed through the internet.

Finally, I would really like to visit Dr. Wendy Schultz's 4.0 Library. This type of library might be coming faster than we can even imagine.

Anderson, R. (2006). Away from the "icebergs." The OCLC Newsletter, 2. Retrieved from

Storey, T. (2006). Web 2.0: Where will the next generation web take libraries? The OCLC
Newsletter, 2. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the link to the Dr. Wendy Schultz's article....the more things change..the more they stay the same.......
