Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thing #17: Rollyo

Rollyo is a very interesting tool that I wished had known about sooner. In just a few minutes, I created a search engine that would allow students to research information about Texas on good websites. In the past, coming up with good information for students on Texas history has been difficult. My experience has been that the online subscription resources do not include specific state information. The video made it especially easy. Here is my Rollyo which might be especially helpful if you teach 4th grade Texas history. What a great thing to know and use!

1 comment:

  1. Making a search relevant to what your students need is a perfect use for Rollyo. I may have to borrow your roll for my Fourth Grade teacher friends. Texas history is definitely something that our databases do not cover to the extent we would like when doing research. Great idea! I hope your students have fun and lots of success using it.
